Farmers Branch Manske Library children's librarian Dustin Nordt presented information on the summer reading program to students on our live morning announcements today. The library will be offering free programming all summer as well as fun prizes and incentives to keep kids reading over those long summer months! This is offered to anyone from anywhere, no library card needed. Visit the library to find out more, or check out their website!
Students living outside of Farmers Branch but currently enrolled in McLaughlin Strickland Elementary can show their student ID to get a library card to the Manske library! Studies show that students regress in reading skills over the summer, but setting aside time to read everyday can help prevent that summer slide. Sign up for a library card and check out books for free after one of their fun summer programs!
The Carrollton Public Library will also be offering a summer reading program to residents, but their events are free and open to anyone. Check out their calendar!
The Dallas Public Library also offers a summer reading program to residents with free programming available to anyone. Check out their calendar!
Still want more, or live outside these areas? Visit your nearest local library and ask about a TexShare card!
Have a super summer, and happy reading!